You May Fill The Form Below. Our Representative Will Get In Touch With You To Respond To Your Query.
YES, it is available in play store.
YES, it is available in App Store.
No, Students / Parents cannot add or edit Institution Details as the access to add/ edit is with the Admin.
The Agorae app can be downloaded by the following steps.
- Open the Play Store in your mobile device.
- Search Agoare.
- Click on Install button.
The Agorae app will be installed in your mobile device.
No, We Have similar app for Students / Parents and faculty However there will be Students / Parents and Faculty Icon which they need to select before login.
The Agorae app can be downloaded by the following steps.
- Open the App Store in your mobile device.
- Search Agoare.
- Click on Install button.
The Agorae app will be installed in your mobile device.
No, Students / Parents cannot chat through Agoarae App.
No. Students / Parents can Login through there phone and Tablets only.
- Click on link which is sanded by Admin of the school and then download the app.
- Click on Faculty Sign Up Icon/Picture- Enter Email Address (Sent By Admin).
- Click on Next
- Enter OTP
- Submit
- Set a New Password.
- Confirm Password
- Submit [Make sure you are using the latest version, if not, update the app to use the latest version]
- Open Agorae App.
- Students / Parents Sign In page- Enter Email Address.
- Enter password.
- Submit [Make sure you are using the latest version, if not, update the app to use the latest version].
- Enter the Registered Email ID.
- Click on Forgot Password.
- Enter the OTP Received in your Registered Email ID within the given time frame.
- Create a Password.
- Re- enter the Password.
- Click on Submit Button.
- Password Successfully Reset.
No, Students / Parents will receive the OTP in Email ID Only.
No, Students / Parents Can only login through Cellphone and Tablet.
The password must be between 7-13 characters & should contain at least one number and a special character.
No, only app login is available.
We can Reset the password whenever we need. There is no such time limitation as such.
Click on Students / Parents App on Sign in Page.
There is no such limits for attempts. Once you forgot your password you can use forgot password to reset the new one.
Alpha Numeric with special character- Password must be 7-13 characters and should contain at least one number, letter& special character.
- Click on Notification Bell on top of the Home Page- To view Details.
The Unread Notification will appear with the yellow dot sign in the Notification section. Once you click the notification to read ,the yellow dot will disappear which means the notification has been read.
No Students / Parents can not mark the read messages to unread one.
No , It will stay in the notification section
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Setting.
- Click on Notification
- You can off through swipe
Notifications has been off successfully.
Yes, the parents can use the same Email-id for both children in Agorae app.
No, once the email id has been registered with Agorae, it cannot be re- use for registering him/ her again. If you try to register anyway then a Pop Up Opens-"This Email id is associated with another user".
Yes, a Parents need to use two different Email id to register himself or herself in Agorae if he/ she is a faculty or Parent for the same institution.
- Open Agorae App.
- Students / Parents Sign in with Login credential (Both Students / Parents mail ID should be same).
- Submit [Make sure you are using the latest version, if not, update the app to use the latest version].
- Click on switch Icon.
You have switched your profile Successfully
There are no such limitations in Switch User Profile. You can add as many you want.
No, Students / Parents cannot comment or respond a doubt in other Batches.
Yes, Students / Parents can view the raised Questions and answers in other Batches.
In a Post a Doubt section- Students / Parents can raise a question or post his/ her doubt, whereas In All Doubt Section- Students / Parents can view All unresolved and Unread doubts raised in his batch or by himself.
Unresolved Doubts- Are those doubts which have been posted by the Students / Parents but not yet resolved by the Faculty (Marked as Correct), whereas Unread Doubts are those doubts which have been posted but not yet read by an individual.
Doubts which Students / Parents think is important and may need to take reference again and again can be marked as saved doubts. so they can be easily found and referred.
Yes Students / Parents can post a response after teacher marked it correct
Students / Parents can Post a doubt in three ways-
- By typing a Doubt.
- By Uploading a Picture.
- By Creating a Poll.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Post a Doubt.
- Select Subject.
- Select Chapters.
- Type Title.
- Select from below- I want type the Doubt, I want to Upload a Picture, I want to create a Poll.
- Click on -I want to create a Poll.
- Click Next.
- Type Your Question.
- Type two options or click on add on options to add more.
- Click Submit.
Doubt posted successfully.
Unread Doubts- Doubts which are not being read by Students / Parents Unresolved Doubts- Doubts which are not yet solved by the Faculty.
Students / Parents can respond to any doubt by clicking on Respond button which will appear in the bottom right side of the question.
Yes, Students / Parents can reply to comment made by any other Students / Parents.
Students / Parents can check which is the correct response by the Green tick on the answer.
An unread doubt is the doubt which isn't read by the Students / Parents & an unresolved doubt is the doubt which isn't yet resolved by the faculty.
Doubts Section is a platform where a Student/ Parents can post or raise a doubt or query on any subject.
No, If a Doubt posted by a Student then the doubt is only visible and resolvable to his/her Batch mates along with his/ her batch teacher.
Q20. Who all can view the doubts raised by Students / Parents
Teacher of the respective batch and subject will select or write the correct answer. A green tick mark will show on top of the right answer.
No, Students / Parents cannot raise the answer to other batches.
Yes, Students / Parents can view the doubts of other batches.
Yes, Students / Parents can responds to a doubt by only uploading attachment.
No, Students / Parents does not have the authority to mark a response as correct in the Doubt section.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Post a Doubt.
- Select Subject.
- Select Chapters.
- Type Title.
- Select the Question asking Method from the list.
- Click Next.
- Type Your Doubt / Upload a Picture.
- Click on Submit to Post Your Doubt.
NO, Students / Parents can post a doubt on a subject on which no Faculty is assigned.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts Section.
- Click on My Batch.
- Click on Subject.
- Click on Chapter.
- Click on Resolved.
- Select the Question.
Click on the Comment- to view the correct response or resolved doubts.
Yes, the parents can use the same Email-id for both children in Agorae app.
No, once the email id has been registered with Agorae, it cannot be re- use for registering him/ her again. If you try to register anyway then a Pop Up Opens-"This Email id is associated with another user".
Yes, a Parents need to use two different Email id to register himself or herself in Agorae if he/ she is a faculty or Parent for the same institution.
- Open Agorae App.
- Students / Parents Sign in with Login credential (Both Students / Parents mail ID should be same).
- Submit [Make sure you are using the latest version, if not, update the app to use the latest version].
- Click on switch Icon.
You have switched your profile Successfully
There are no such limitations in Switch User Profile. You can add as many you want.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Know Your Teacher.
- View the list of Subjects.
- Click on a particular subject.
- View Subject Teacher's Name.
- Click on the Subject Teacher-To View Details.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Know Your Teacher.
- View the list of Subjects.
- Click on a particular subject.
- View Subject Teacher's Name.
- Click on the Subject Teacher-To View Details.
- Click on Email - Id to send mail. ( It will be redirect to your mail id).
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Class Notes.
- A page opens with a list of Subjects.
- Select a Subject to view Notes.
- Attached notes can be downloaded.
- Click on Downloads.
No, Students / Parents cannot share notes among themselves. It is the Admin who can upload notes and Publish.
No, Their is no deadline for download class notes.
Yes, Students / Parents can preview the class notes before download.
No, Students / Parents cannot view notes of any other class.
No, Students cannot view the class notes for different batches.
The file has to be in .xlsx, .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .png extension.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Assignment.
- Select a Subject to view Assignments.
- A page opens with a list of subjects.
- Attached assignments can be downloaded (which the admin uploaded).
- Click to Downloads.
- View the Assignment.
- Click on Upload Assignment.
- Upload Assignment with one or more attachment.
- Click on SUBMIT.
Assignment Submitted successfully.
No, If there is a deadline they need to submit it within the given time frame.
Assignments attachment should be in PDF.
Yes the download file will be saved in the phone drive or your PDF app.
No, Students / Parents cannot download the assignment after expiry of deadline time and date.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click Test Schedule.
- View the detail Test schedule published by Admin.
- Click the attachment to download the same.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Test Result.
- View the detail Test Result published by Admin.
- Click the attachment to download the same.
The file format is excel.
Yes, Students / Parents can download Test Result.
No, Students / Parents cannot view notes of other batches.
Test results are the results of subject /chapter/weekly tests whereas report cards are the term exam results which are either done quarterly/half yearly/yearly.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Previous Years Test Paper.
- Enter Year, Exam Type and Subject to get a detail of Previous years test papers.
No, Their is no deadline for download of previous year test paper.
No, Students / Parents cannot check prev. year question paper for different class.
Yes, Students / Parents can download Report card.
Report Card can be downloaded in Zip file pdf format- with the Students / Parents Id as the file name.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on REPORT CARDS.
- View detail of Report Card.
- Click the Report card to download.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Online Assessments.
- View Active, Upcoming, Completed and Expired online exam which was uploaded by the admin.
- Click Active.
- Click Start.
- Select Yes.
- Go through All The Test Instructions and The Test Details.
- Click Start To Start Your Exam.
- Mark The correct MCQ[ N.B - While given the exam you can Bookmark Multiple Questions to Recheck/Reattempt].
- Click on Submit.
- Click on Submit To End The Test.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Online Assessments.
- Click on Completed- To view Number of questions and Maximum Score.
- Click on View Analysis- To view total score, correct, incorrect and skipped answers.
- Click on Question Wise Analysis-To view detail of online assessment.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Online Assessments.
- Click on Completed- To view Number of questions and Maximum Score.
- Click on View Analysis- To view total score, correct, incorrect and skipped answers.
- Click on Question Wise Analysis-To view detailed result question wise.
No, Students / Parents cannot start their assessment after allotted time.
Yes, Students / Parents can restart their test if there is any technical issue in their phone.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Online Assessments.
- Start the test.
- Submit
- After completion of allotted time.
- Click on view analysis
- Incorrect, Correct And Skipped will show in different colors i.e. Red, Green, Orange.
Yes ,Students / Parents can see their test score subject wise.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Test.
- Click on Online Assessments.
- Start the test.
- Submit
- After completion of allotted time.
- Click on view analysis
In Test section, Students / Parents will find an icon of online assessment where they can check their active, Upcoming and completed test schedules.
After submitting the online examination. Students / Parents can view their marks and analysis.
Yes, students can re-enter the online assessment again if they have already exit due to technical glitch.
No, the online assessment will not be auto submitted after allotted time by the admin if the Students / Parents leaves the test in between.
No, Students / Parents cannot give re-test once the test time is over.
Active- The online Test which are running at present will appear in active Tab.
Upcoming– The online test which are being schedule and going to happen in future.
Completed- The online Test which has been finished and attended by the Students / Parents.
Expired- The Online test whose time period has been crossed and the Students / Parents did not given it.
Incorrect- Red
Correct- Green
Skipped- yellow
After completion of allotted time by the Admin Students / Parents can view the analysis.
Yes , Students / Parents can resume the test.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Faculty Feedback to get a view of details of teachers and subjects.
- Click to choose a teacher.
- A page opens- to view Details of feedback form released by admin.
- Click the options for the Parameters to complete the feedback form.
- Extreme down of the page two options are given- Previous/ SUBMIT.
- Click on Submit to complete the feedback.
No Students / Parents cannot edit the submitted feedback form.
Yes, Admin will decide the timeline to submit the feedback form submitted feedback form.
NO, They can not see the overall feedback result.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Notices & Circulars.
- To View- Download the Attachment.
No, Agorae will not send any reminder to anyone.
Yes, we can view a notice instead of downloading it every time.
Yes, we can View the attachment before downloading.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Notices & Circulars.
- To View- Download the Attachment.
No, an announcement doesn't need to have any mandatory attachment included into it
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Attendance History.
- Click on Apply for Leave.
- Select Range of Date.
- Type Your Reason with attachment or without attachment.
- Click on Apply.
- Your leave application have been submitted successfully.
- Open Agorae App (Students / Parents App).
- Click on Attendance History.
- View the details of his Attendance for a specific month (Present, Leave, Attendance and Holidays).
- Open Agorae App.
- From the home page of Students / Parents app select and click the icon- Attendance History.
- Students / Parents can view the details of his attendance for a specific month (Present, Leave, Attendance and Holidays).
No, Students / Parents cannot give attendance from Agorae App as their Attendance is marked by the Admin.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Attendance History.
- Present, Absent, Leave, Holiday is Showing in a different color i.e. Blue, Red, Yellow, Sky blue.
Yes, Students / Parents Can View their Attendance by selecting the month they want to view.
No, Students / Parents Can View their Attendance only by selecting the month they want to view.
No, Students / parents will not get any notification, to view their Attendance they need to visit Attendance History.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Requests Section.
- Click on + New Request.
- Type the Request for attendance dispute.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach any supported File.
- Click on Submit.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Attendance History.
- View the details of his attendance for a specific month (Present, Leave, Attendance and Holidays).
- Click on Holidays.
Holiday list can be viewed for a particular month.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Attendance History.
- Click on Apply for Leave.
- Select Date Range.
- Type Your Reason.
- Upload attachment- ( It is not mandatory).
- Click on Apply- (Leave has been submitted successfully).
Your leave application have been submitted successfully.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Attendance History.
- View the details of his attendance for a specific month (Present, Leave, Attendance and Holidays).
- Click on Holidays.
- Holiday list can be viewed for a particular month.
Holiday list can be viewed for a particular month.
Attachment is not mandatory in Leave request.
Yes it will show in the attendance History.
If we are Not attaching any attachment typing is needed.
It can be photo through Camera, PDF, from Gallery atc.
Yes, After completion Students / Parents will get a success notification pop-up i.e. (Your leave application is submitted successfully.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Apply for Leave.
- Select Date Range.
- Type the Reason.
- If Students / Parents want to attach medical certificate, Pictures, Pdf, etc..
- Click on Apply.
- Students / Parents will get a pop-up you leave application is submitted successfully.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Apply for Leave section.
- Click on +Apply Leave.
- Select Date Range.
- Type Reason (Attachment or without Attachment).
- Click on Apply - TO SUBMIT.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Requests section.
- Click on +New Request.
- Type the Edit Information.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach any supported File.
- Click on submit.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Requests section.
- Click on +New Request.
- Type the Request.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach any supported File.
- Click on submit.
- Open Agorae App.
- click on Requests section.
- Click on +New Request.
- Type the Updated Mobile Number.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach the File.
- Click on submit.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Change Password.
- Enter OTP.
- Click on Verify.
- Enter New Password.
- Confirm New Password.
- Click on Submit.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on the TIME TABLE.
- View the detail school Time Table details day wise.
Students / Parents can View-
- Date.
- Subject allocation.
- Room allocation.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on My Profile.
Students / Parents can view their Name, Batch/section, Unique ID, Email ID, Date of Birth, Gender, Blood Group, State, City, their address Pin code and country.
No, Students / Parents Cannot change their profile details. They Can raise a request to admin for any changes.
No, Students / Parents cannot change his/her profile photo as the right is with the Admin Panel to change. He/ she can raise a request to the Admin for the same. The Admin will change the Profile Photo.
- Click on link which is sanded by Admin of the school and then download the app.
- Click on Faculty Sign Up Icon/Picture- Enter Email Address (Sent By Admin).
- Click on Next
- Enter OTP
- Submit
- Set a New Password.
- Confirm Password
- Submit [Make sure you are using the latest version, if not, update the app to use the latest version]
Yes, Web login is available- If the admin gives the access to the faculty.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on the Faculty Sign in icon/ picture.
- Enter Email Address.
- Enter Password.
- Click on Sign In.
You have Sign in Successfully.
- Open Agorae App.
- Enter Email Address [Same Credentials to be used as used in Agorae App -Mobile Login].
- Enter Password.
- Click on Login.
You have Logged in Successfully.
A faculty need to select / click Faculty Sign Up/ Sign in Picture to login in Agorae.
A Faculty can create a password while he/ she sign up for the first time.
- Enter Email Address.
- Enter OTP.
- Submit.
- Set a New Password.
Q8. Where will be the OTP send? Email Id or Mobile Number?
Their is no limit.
The password must be between 7-13 characters & should contain at least one number and a special character.
Yes, a Faculty can add students of his batch both manually and in bulk, if admin gives him the access right to Dashboard.
- Open Agorae App.
- Login with your Credentials.
- Home Page opens.
- Name, Notification icon, All Doubts Section (Unresolved Doubts/ Unread Doubts), Progress Report, My Feedback, Previous year Test Papers, Results in my Batches, Notices & Circulars, Announcements, Request & Settings can be seen.
- Confirm Password.
The password must be between 7-13 characters & should contain at least one number and a special character.
You can recover your password in the login section by following these steps:
- Open Agorae App.
- Enter Email Address.
- Click on Forgot password.
- Enter Email Address and get OTP on your email.
- Enter OTP.
- Click on Submit.
- Set a New Password.
- Confirm Password.
- Click Submit.
There is no limit on changing the login password.
No, a faculty cannot access all sections of Agorae from the App. He/She can only get the access through Web.
Yes, A Faculty Can Login Through Web, If Admin give Him/Her The Additional Access Right.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Notification Bell on the top right hand side of the Home Page.
- To View All the Notifications.
- Open Agorae App.
- Select & Click the Subject (Which displays a numeric representation of Unresolved Doubt/s).
- Click on Chapter.
- Click on Comment.
- Click on Respond.
- Type the Answer with or without attachment.
- Click on Submit to complete the process.
- Click on the Tick button to mark Your Response as Click on the Tick button to mark Your Response as Correct Answer
[Confirmation POP UP- Do You want to mark this response as the correct answer-YES/NO]. - Click Yes to mark it correct.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Unresolved section is selected by Default.
Yes, a Faculty Can Solve A Doubt Without Attaching Any File.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Select & Click the Subject.
- Click on Chapter.
- Click on Resolved Section.
- Choose the Question which is need to be marked.
- Click on the Bookmark Icon.
Yes, a Faculty Can Solve A Doubt Without Attaching Any File.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Select & Click the Subject.
- Click on + Post Question.
- Select Subject From Drop Down.
- Select Chapter From Drop Down.
- Type The Title.
- Select the Question asking Method From the List.
- Click On Next.
- Type Your Doubt / Upload a Picture.
- Click on Submit.
There Will Be Three Option A) Write It Down B) Click A Picture C) Creating A Poll.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Select & Click the Subject.
- Click on Chapter.
- Click on Resolved Section.
- Click on Comment [ View all the Responses including yours, You can Tick the Most suitable Response as Correct Answer].
- To Add any other Comment.
- Click On Respond.
- Type your Answer with or without attachment.
- Click on Submit to complete the process.
Yes, a Faculty can solve a doubt without Typing. He /She Need to Tick the Most suitable Response by Students or By Other Faculty as Correct Answer.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Select & Click the Bookmarked Section.
- View all the Saved Doubts.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Select & Click the Subject (Which displays a numeric representation of Unresolved Doubt's).
- Click on Chapter.
- Unresolved section is selected by Default.
- Click on Comment Section of your selected Doubt.
- View all the Responses.
- Tick the Most suitable Response as Correct Answer.
- Select Yes from the POP UP to mark it Correct.
If a faculty posts a question, any student in the class can answer the question & the same faculty or any other faculty can mark it correct.
Yes, a faculty can view doubts of other batches of the same class
Yes, a faculty can comment on other batches doubt of the same class.
Unread Doubts- Doubts which are not yet read Unresolved Doubts- Doubts which are not yet solved or marked any answer correct by the Faculty.
A faculty can add as many response as he/she likes for any raised doubts.
Yes, a faculty can change his/her ticked answer.
One Attachment can be uploaded while posting a picture based Question.
The faculty can edit & update routine if he/she is given admin access by the admin.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on All Doubts.
- Select & Click the Subject (Which displays a numeric representation of Unresolved Doubt's).
- Click on Chapter.
- Unresolved section is selected by Default.
- Click on Comment Section of your selected Doubt.
Sand Clock signifies that the Chapter is pending.
Yes, a Faculty can reply to comment made by any student.
Yes, a faculty can attach any file while replying to any doubt.
- By typing.
- By uploading a picture.
- By creating a poll.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Progress Report.
- Select Batch & Subject from the list.
- After clicking the Subject.
- Detail of Chapters are given.
- Select a Chapter [You Will Get Two option- Pending & Completed].
- Click on Pending.
- Select Sub Topics.
- Click Mark as done Option [A Pop-up opens containing Date of Completion and Total Time Taken].
- Write down the Hrs. [Numerically].
YES, a Faculty can view slippage of a pending chapter.
Slippage is the difference between the allotted time given by the admin and the actual time taken by the faculty to complete a Chapter.
It means that the Faculty have taken less time than the allotted hours to complete the given chapter.
It means that the Faculty have taken more time than the allotted hours to complete the given chapter.
It means that the Faculty have taken the exact time which has been allotted by the admin to complete the given chapter.
As allotted hours is only given for chapters and not for any sub- topic.
Green Tick signifies that the Faculty has completed the Chapter.
Green Tick signifies that the Faculty has completed the Chapter.
Green Tick signifies that the Faculty has completed the Chapter.
No, a faculty cannot allocate chapter hours by himself. It will be done the admin only.
No, a faculty cannot edit & update allocated chapter hours. It can only be done by the admin. The faculty can only add the hours taken to complete a particular chapter.
Yes, Faculty can see their Slippage time.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Progress Report.
- Select Batch & Subject from the list.
- After clicking the Subject.
- Detail of Chapters are given.
- Select a Chapter [Marked Green Only].
- Click on Summery.
- You Can View the Slippage.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on My Feedback.
- Select Feedback Cycle.
- Click on Class / Batch.
- View the Graphical Representation of the Parameters [Published by the Admin].
No, Faculty Can Only View Those Feedback Which is Published By the School Admin.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on My Feedback.
- Select Feedback Cycle.
- Click on Class and Subject to view the parameters which has been published by the admin..
Yes , Faculty can see their feedback when Admin will publish the feedback result to the faculties.
Yes, A Faculty Can Access Year wise Previous Year Test Paper.
No, If admin Add previous year test paper, it will remain available until admin remove it from the Agorae.
No, a faculty cannot upload previous year question papers. It can only be done by the admin.
Yes, a faculty can upload previous years Test papers, if he/ she is being given the access right to add Previous years Test papers.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Click on Result in My Batches.
- Select Batch & Subject.
- Select The Exam name.
- Click the Attachment to Download the Result Template.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Click on Result in My Batches.
- Select Year.
- Select Class.
- Select Subject.
- Select Exam.
- View the File & Download the Attachment.
Yes, a faculty can add Report Card for students of his/ her Batch if the admin gives the access right to Examination.
Yes, a faculty can add questions in the Question Bank, once the admin gives him/ her the access right to Online Assessment.
No, faculty cannot view single student result batch.
No, Faculty cannot view result of selective student from his batch.
No, faculty cannot preview the result before downloading the results.
Yes, Faculty can download the results of his batch individually.
Yes, Faculty can download the batch results.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Notices and Circulars.
- Select & Download the Attachment to view the same.
- Select a Subject to view Notes.
- Attached notes can be downloaded.
- Click on Downloads.
Yes, a faculty can upload Notices & Circulars directly to the students of his / her batches, if the admin gives him/ her the access right to upload the same.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Announcements.
- View the Announcement / Download the Attachment.
No, Faculty Cannot use Announcement section to make any announcements through Agorae App.
Yes, a Faculty can directly make any announcements to the students of his / her assigned Batches , if he/ she is been given the access right to upload announcements.
For Uploading an Assignments Faculty need to raise a Request to the Admin-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Request Section.
- Click on + New Request.
- Type the Assignments details.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach the Assignments File.
- Click on Submit.
Yes, a Faculty can directly Add/ Publish assignments to the students of his/ her batch once he is given the access right by the admin to do the same.
To change the Mobile Number Faculty need to raise a Request to the Admin-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Request Section.
- Click on + New Request.
- Type the Updated Mobile Number.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach the Assignments File.
- Click on Submit.
To compose an Administrative Request-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Request Section.
- Click on + New Request.
- Type the Request.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach the Assignments File.
- Click on Submit.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Request Section.
- Click on + New Request.
- Type Subject/Chapter/Topic Name with Uploaded Date.
- Click on Attachment Icon to Attach the Assignments File.
- Click on Submit.
For Uploading an Assignments Faculty need to raise a Request to the Admin-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Change Password.
- Enter OTP.
- Click on Verify.
- Enter New Password.
- Confirm New Password.
- Click on Submit.
To View Faculty Profile-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on My Profile Section.
View your Information Details
No, Faculty cannot change his or her details on the App, if change is required then faculty needs to raise a Request to the Admin using Agorae.
No, a faculty cannot edit their profile details, He / She Can request Admin to Update required details.
No, a faculty cannot add new details in their profile, He / She Can request Admin to Update required details.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on My Routine Section.
- View your Routine Day wise.
The faculty can edit & update routine if he/she is given admin access by the admin.
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Requests.
- Click on + New Requests.
- Type Requests (Attachment is not mandatory).
- Click on Submit.
- Click on + New Requests.
Request submitted successfully.
Yes, a faculty can change his/ her routine for his/ her batches once the admin gives the access right to Attendance.
To View Ongoing / Upcoming Events-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Happenings Section.
- To View Click On the Listed Happenings.
To Comment / Like an Event-
- Open Agorae App.
- Click on Happenings Section.
- Click On the Listed Happenings to View.
- Click on Comment to write a comment.
- Click on POST to complete the process.
- Click On Like Icon to like the Event.
There is no limit on the comments to done in a Happening.
No, a faculty cannot add pictures in happenings. That can only be done by the admin
A Faculty can add pictures on happenings or Post happenings to students of his/ her batches, once the admin gives the access right to Happenings.
Yes, a faculty can like & again dislike the happening event.
No, a faculty cannot reply to comment made by any other student.
No, a faculty cannot add any pictures while writing any comments.
Yes, faculty can like dislike the comments.
The Agorae app can be downloaded by the following steps.
- Open the Play Store in your mobile device.
- Search Agoare.
- Click on Install button
The Agorae app will be installed in your mobile device.
The Agorae app can be downloaded by the following steps-
- Open the App Store in your mobile device.
- Search Agoare.
- Click on Install button.
The Agorae app will be installed in your mobile device.
- Go to Play store.
- Type Agorae on Search.
- Click on Install- to complete the process.
YES, it is available in Play store.
YES, it is available in App Store.
No, it is not mandatory to upload attachment.
No, once the email id has been registered with Agorae, it cannot be re- use for registering him/ her again. If you try to register anyway then a Pop Up Opens-"This Email id is associated with another user".
Yes, a Faculty need to use two different Email id to register himself or herself in Agorae if he/ she is a faculty or Parent for the same institution.
Yes, a Faculty can add students of his batch both manually and in bulk, if admin gives him the access right to Dashboard.
Yes, a Faculty can add students of his batch both manually and in bulk, if admin gives him the access right to Dashboard.
Yes, a faculty can response to leave Request for students of his/ her Batch, once the admin gives the access right to Attendance.
- Open Your Mail Inbox.
- Click on Set Password link (Which you received from Agore Team).
- Click on Create password.
- Set a New Password.
- Update Password.
- Sign in Page Opens.
You have sign up Successfully.
- Open Agorae Admin Panel.
- Enter Email Address.
- Enter Password.
- Click on LogIn.
You have logged in Successfully.
You can reset your password in the login section by following these steps:
- Open Agorae Admin Panel.
- Enter Email Address.
- Click on Forgot password.
- Enter Email Address and get OTP on your email.
- Enter OTP.
- Click on Submit.
- Set a New Password.
- Confirm Password.
- Click Submit.
Your password will be reset Successfully.
For the admin panel login, OTP will be shared in the email. There is no option for mobile.
You can recover your password in the login section by following these steps:
- Open Agorae Admin Panel.
- Enter Email Address.
- Click on Forgot password.
- Enter Email Address and get OTP on your email.
- Enter OTP.
- Click on Submit.
- Confirm Password.
- Click Submit.
- Set a New Password.
Your password will be recovered Successfully.
- Click on your institution name.
- Enter- (Institution Name, State, City).
- Click Save.
- Enter Contact Details (Phone Number, Web site, E-mail).
- Click Save.
- Add Institution description.
- Add Address, Google Location.
- Click Save.
Q2. Can we integrate the Google Location in Institution details?
Yes, they can view it in the "About Institution" section in their Agorae mobile app.
You can check notification by clicking on the "Bell icon" in the Top-Right corner of the home screen on the Web Page.
Yes Admin Can view Unread Notification Count.
Yes Admin Can view New Notification Count by Clicking on the Notification Bell Icon.
Q4. Can the Admin mark all Unread notifications as the read ones?
Admin Cannot Turn Of Their Notification.
- Open Agorae Admin Panel.
- Click on Dashboard.
- Click on Total Students.
- Click on Add Student(s).
- Click on Manually.
- Enter Details (Name, Unique Id, Email Id, Class, Batch, Group (optional), Gender, Blood Group, Religion, Phone Number, Father’s Name, Father’s Phone Number, Father’s Email ID, Mothers Name, Mothers Phone number, Mothers mail id, State, City, Address, Pin code, etc).
- Click on Add Student.
Student added Successfully.
Admin had to add the Student's Unique ID manually while adding the student in the "Total Students" Section.
- Open Agorae Admin Panel.
- Click on Dashboard.
- Click on Total Students.
- Click on Add Student(s).
- Click on Bulk to Add Students.
- Create Template.
- Select Class.
- Select Batch.
- Enter Number Students You want to Add.
- Click Create.
- Upload Template.
- Click Submit.
- Click on Bulk to Add Students.
Students have been added in bulk Successfully.
- Upload the Bulk Template -Containing the student details with Individual Image file name.
- Select Drop File Section To Upload The Student Images.
- Select the Students Image File from your System.
- Click Open to Add ( N.B - For Student Image File, we need to make sure that the Image Name & Student Name remains the same. For Ex: If a student's name is Aman then in your system his image file name should also be saved as Aman.jpeg & in the Template we need to add the same name in the Image File Name column section. ) Student images in bulk format wil