While the Teachers and Students have very focused work cut out for themselves, the Admin department needs to be on top of everything all the time. Help your admin department in more than one way with Agorae.


Notices & Circulars (as attachment) can be published to the individual groups of teachers and students/parents.

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Other Features

Admin level dashboard and control panel. All Communication can be controlled by the institution admin and authorities.

Sending online marks and results to the parents, so that the parents are also able to monitor the students’ performance.

Managing daily class timetable and publishing the same to the teachers and students with an option of editing if required.

The Institution can mark manual payments through customized payment mode with Full/Partial based fee amount.

To add teacher details only manually with the required data fields such as Name, Class/Batch/Subject, Employee Code, Designation, Contact No, Address, etc.

To add, edit and delete Classes, Subjects (Class wise), Chapters (Subject wise) with allotted hours/periods and respective sub topics, etc..

Any urgent and important announcements (textual with attachment) can be published to the individual groups of teachers and students/parents.

Admin can post the class notes and reference materials (class-wise, batch-wise & subject wise) for continued support towards the students.

Reports, lists and data available for download. Additionally, a backup can also be generated for times of emergencies.

Attendance for both online and offline classes can be managed. Present/Absent notifications can be sent automatically.

Generating different types of templates with the required parameters of assessment and benchmarking.

Viewing and responding to the leave and administrative requests from both students and faculties.

Setting up a set of questions to be used for objective type (MCQ) formatted exams with configurable grading system and quick release of results.

Assignments can be conducted for pen & paper (subjective format) exams, classwork & homework, any projects/tasks which has to be submitted within a set deadline with PDF uploads.

It can generate reports for all doubts raised by students with details such as number of doubts raised and resolved, number of unresolved doubts that can be sorted faculty-wise and batch-wise.

To add student details manually or in a bulk with the required data such as Name, Class/Batch, Email ID, DOB, Gender, Father’s Name, Address, etc. The template for bulk uploading can also be created.

Notices & Circulars (as attachment) can be published to the individual groups of teachers and students/parents.

Admin can post event, festival and celebration related pictures internally through the App to promote the same.

Organized Online ‘Library Management’ System for Students & Staff of the Institution.

Tracking the progression on syllabus completion and teachers’ progress.

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